Friday, April 29, 2011

100 Followers BASH!

Hello readers! Today I am happy to be celebrating my reaching 100 followers! To celebrate, I am interviewing 3 different authors and giving away 4 books! Exciting, no?! So just keep reading to figure out how you can win a copy of a book by one of these fantastic authors! :)

First off, I am welcoming Jill Eileen Smith, author of the Wives of King David series!

Welcome! To start, how long have you been writing?

A long time! I used to write poetry in high school, then buried the gift when I got married, not realizing that God wanted me to use it, not let it sit idle and forgotten. So about 26 years ago I dug it up, so to speak, and moved from poetry to song lyrics (with some not-very-good music to go with it) to fiction.

What inspired you to write Biblical fiction?

When I was about 16, I read Two From Galilee, a Love Story of Mary and Joseph by Marjorie Holmes. When I closed the last page of that book, I thought, these people were real! I fell in love with the Bible after that and began to see the stories of the people God has immortalized there in a whole new light.
Many years later, I co-taught a Bible study on King David's life. When I finished that study, I didn't want to let it go. I wanted to read a novel on David's life but despite my searching, I could not find one that satisfied. So I sat down to write the book I wanted to read. Thus began my journey into writing biblical fiction.

What are you working on now as far as writing?

I am working on book two in the upcoming series The Wives of the Patriarchs about Rebekah and Isaac. It is a challenging story!

If you could enter any book and live it out as the main character, what book would you choose, and why?

I'm not sure I can answer that! I have spent so many years in King David's world, that I would love to actually see it - time travel if you will. I also love the Regency era and have lately enjoyed watching movies set in old world England. Some of those old mansions were fascinating, but I think I have a romantic view of them! I really don't have a favorite book - but if I have to choose, I guess it would be a toss up between Pride & Prejudice and Mara, Daughter of the Nile, because they are two of my all-time favorite stories outside of biblical fiction.

You're chosen to be the director of a movie based off of whatever book you want. What book would you choose?

I would rather watch my sons direct than be a director myself! But in all honesty, I would love to see Bathsheba on the silver screen. I would not want to direct it - but I would love to pick the one who did!

If you could have a lifetime supply of anything you wanted, what would it be?

Can I pick more than one? :) I would love to have a lifetime supply of fresh fruits (berries in particular) and vegetables - and Leonidas dark chocolate!

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?

I don't really think in terms of what I've accomplished. I can say that I am very grateful for all that God has allowed me to do. I am blessed with a loving, faithful, fabulous husband, and three sons that are the joy of my heart. Jesus, family and friends mean more to me than anything else. But I'm also grateful that God lets me work at a job that I love. I couldn't accomplish a thing without Him.

Thanks for visiting! Jill has been gracious enough to offer up a copy of Bathsheba for my giveaway! Details Below!


How long have you been writing?

My first book was released in 1998.

What inspired you to write Historical fiction? 

An interest in the past, knowing the people then had dreams, goals, and desires just like we do. They may have been hindered, in our opinion, by lack of technology, but I do envy the close knit families and community.

What are you working on now as far as writing? 

I've just turned in the first book in a series entitled Crime Scene: Houston, the first book is The Chase. I've obtained permission to write from the FBI's solved cold cases.

If you could enter any book and live it out as the main character, what book would you choose, and why?

That's a tough one! I'm assuming you mean one of my books . . . I suppose Paige in Breach of Trust. She was a CIA operative working undercover as a librarian in rural Oklahoma. I liked her spunk - and she was so much smarter than I'll ever be!

You're chosen to be the director of a movie based off of whatever book you want. What book would you choose?

Another tough one . . . I'd say the book I just turned in. The heroine is a writer teamed up with an FBI agent. The second one would be A Woman Called Sage. The latter is a historical about a woman bounty hunter who's tracking down her husband's killers.

If you could have a lifetime supply of anything you wanted, what would it be?

 Unusual question . . . funds to help the people of Sudan. I have a passion for the Sudanese, their struggles and their many needs.

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment? 
Being a daughter of the King.

Thanks DiAnn! Ms. Mills has agreed to give away a copy of Under a Desert Sky, which releases in June, and also a copy of The Fire in Ember - her latest release! Details below!


How long have you been writing?

I decided I wanted to write after having my first child in 1989. I started studying the craft of writing seriously. I’d say I started writing in earnest around 1998. I’d carried the desire to write from the time I was in high school and worked on the school newspaper. When I went to college I thought I might want to be a journalist. All the communication classes were full and I tried sociology, anthropology, and psychology classes and never looked back. Probably not very smart, but that’s what I did. I love my full time counseling position counseling nursing students. God does have a plan for our lives.

What inspired you to write Historical fiction?

I fell in love with historical romance in my twenties and thought, “I could write this.” But as I grew in my Christian faith I knew I wanted to write something that was different. Something that would please God and hopefully please my readers. I’d had gone through some difficult times and when I read the secular romance novels on the market I started wondering what those characters faith walks might look like and then I knew I wanted to write differently but I wanted my stories to ring true and provide hope. I also love adding elements of mystery and suspense.

What are you working on now as far as writing?

I’m revising my second book in The Ravensmoore Chronicle Series, Chameleon, Book Two. You can read the first chapter of Chameleon at the end of Secrets of the Heart. I’ll be posting it on my website soon as well. I’m also plotting out Book Three and trying to get the word out about Secrets. Very challenging.

If you could enter any book and live it out as the main character, what book
would you choose, and why?

That would have to be Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. I love the romance, the dancing and the fact that Lizzy had sisters and it was a simpler time. I only had one brother who died when I was 29 and I’d always wondered what it would be like to have sisters. Other than that I love the ending of the book. J Don’t want to spoil it in case there are readers out there who want to read the book or watch the movie.

You're chosen to be the director of a movie based off of whatever book you
want. What book would you choose?

Oh what a good question. I think there is a lurking director of film in me somewhere. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be on a set and watching how it’s all done. But director, hmm, even more fun. Okay, maybe not so hard. I’d direct the making of my entire series. Honestly, what a rush that would be. And if I couldn’t do that it would have to be Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander. A secular novel that has time travel as a part of the series. If only God would allow me to jump in and out of different centuries. What fun. Reminds me of the movie, Kate and Leopold that I loved too.

If you could have a lifetime supply of anything you wanted, what would it be?

Love and friends. With both of those you can’t go wrong.

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?

That’s hard. I’m going to cheat. I have three. J 1) Getting my education. I came from a pretty poor background and was the first in my extended family to get a Masters Degree. 2) Marrying the right man who helped raise our two girls. 3) Getting a three book contract. Totally awesome.

Thanks for visiting! Jillian Kent has offered a copy of Secrets of the Heart to a lucky winner! Details below!

So, thanks to the authors, we will be having FIVE winners! Just leave a comment saying which book you are interested in! The books you can choose from are Secrets of the Heart by Jillian Kent, Bathsheba by Jill Eileen Smith, The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills, or Under A Dessert Sky by DiAnn Mills! 
USA ONLY! Enter soon! This giveaway ends on May 13th!

Follow this blog via GFC and leave a comment saying what your all time favorite book is. Leave your email address or your entry will not count!!

For Extra Entries:
Comment on another review of mine (+1 per comment - maximum amount of entries is 3)
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Cami Checketts said...

Thanks for the great interviews and giveaways and congrats on 100 followers!
I would love to win any of these books but I think I'll try for Under a Desert Sky by DiAnn Mills.
I follow your blog and follow you on Twitter.

Carmen said...

Congrats on your 100th follower! Always great to see followers join up! Great giveaway, too! I would like The Fire in Ember by DiAnn Mills.

I follow via GFC and I subscribe.

Ariel Wilson said...

Congrats on such a milestone! I would like Under a Desert Sky. My favorite book of all time would probably have to be Harry Potter, although that is seven books! :P

Subscribe +1
Follow on Twitter +1

Faith said...

Thanks so much Jane for hosting these wonderful interviews!
Congrats on 100 followers!
I commented on your review of "The Heavens Before."
I would love to win any of the mentioned books. I just can't pick!

crazi.swans at gmail dot com

Beth said...

Congrats on 100 followers!
These interviews were great!
1. I commented on your review of Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs.
2. I subscribe to your blog.
3. I dug this post.

I think maybe I did one thing to many because I didn't count this comment as an entry, haha. Sorry!


I would love to win a copy of Bathsheba!

Diana Flowers said...

Congrats! +1-I am a gfc follower and I would love to win Secrets of the Heart by J. Kent. The cover is beautiful and it sounds like a good book!
+1-I am an email subscriber
+1-Twitter follower
+1-Left comment on review of the Heavens Before

Diana Flowers said...

+1- I left comment on review of Not My Will
+1- I left comment on review of The Journey

Also I forgot to leave an answer to your question in my comment above, about my all-time favorite book. It would have to be The Frontiersman's Daughter by Laura Frantz although there have been so many I really loved!

Anonymous said...

Congrads on 100 followers Jane. My all time favorite is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
And I just commented on Head in the clouds, Pearl in the Sand and Not My Will +3
I twitted +1
Im a follower on email +1
I posted on my blog +2
follow you on twitter +1

And I really would like Bethsheba...I have the first 2 in the series....and I want so bad to read this one!!
Thanks Jane for offering these.....

Anne Payne said...

Congratulations on 100 followers!!!

I'm interested in Diann Mills, Under a Desert Sky.
I'm a follower and subscriber. I commented on your review of The First Escape. So I guess that's +3 all total.

Thanks for such a great giveaway! Always enjoy your bolg, too.


Charity U said...

I follow and love this blog. :) I would like to win "The Fire in Ember" by DiAnn Mills.

My all-time favorite book? Probably "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen (<3) or "Crimson Roses" by Grace Livingston Hill. Other than the Bible, of course.

+1 entry for commenting on "The Heavens Before" review.

+1 entry for commenting on "Bad Girls of the Bible" review.

And +1 for commenting on "Plain Proposal" review. :)

And +2 for blogging.


Meredith said...

Congrats on the following! This is a great bunch of books. I'd be interested in winning Under A Desert Sky.

GFC follower. My all time favorite book is Outlander.

Subscribe to this blog(+1)
Follow me on Twitter(+1) @tessaa99

meredithfl at gmail dot com

Pam said...

Congratulations on having 100 followers. I'm a follower and a subscriber.
I'd love to win "Under a Desert Sky" by DiAnn Mills.
It is so hard to choose just one book as a favorite since I've enjoyed so many, but one I really like is an old book from the 40's called "I'll Never Forget You." It's a war time romance.
Thanks for having the book giveaways.

Charlotte Kay said...

I am a GFC follower and my favorite book of all times is THOUGH NONE GO WITH ME by Jerry Jenkins.
Charlotte Kay
charlovesmark at gmail dot com

Charlotte Kay said...

I would love to win BATHSHEBA, but I would bed happy with any book.
I am a subscriber
I follow on Twitter

Charlotte Kay
charlovesmark at gmail dot com

Carrie said...

Bathsheba and Under a Desert Sky both look fascinating. It would be hard to choose. My favorite book(s) of all time are The Gifted Series by Lisa Tawn Bergren. They are The Beloved, The Betrayed and The Beggotten. I read them at least once a year.

Thank you for the chance of winning a new book.

happyasalarks at yahoo dot com

karenk said...


thanks for the opportunity to read 'bathseba' by jill eileen smith...(but i would love to read any of those fabulous novels offered)

my all time favourite book is...'redeeming love' by francine rivers.

i'm a follower
i'm an email subscriber, too

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Courtney said...

Congrats on reaching 100 followers! I would love a chance to win Secrets of the Heart by J. Kent. Sounds great! It's hard to pick one book to be my all time favorite but one I love is The Healer's Apprentice by Melanie Dickerson.

I am an email subscriber!

I follow you on twitter!

I made a tweet about the giveaway (@kcmelone)

Thank you!

Giveaway Lady said...

Congrats!! I would love to be entered for either Bathsheba or either of DiAnn Mills books. I just got in Jillian Kent's book for review so I don't want to take that one from somebody else:)
I would be hard pressed to have an all time favorite book. One of them though is A Path Less Traveled by Cathy Bryant. And almost any by Karen Kingsbury:)
Thanks for entering me!

Giveaway Lady said...

Following you on Twitter already-kingsdaughter24


Giveaway Lady said...

Tweeted 5/1.!/kingsdaughter24/status/64820258082521090


Katie Marie said...

You know how hard it is to name my all-time favorite book, Kait!?!?!?! Nearly impossible! ;-P lol

How about I name a few of my top favorite? Because they are all my favorite and I would never be able to decide which I like more.

The Priest's Graveyard by Ted Dekker, Waterfall by Lisa Bergren, the Tahn series by L.A. Kelly, and Bathsheba by Jill Smith.

There you are! Please enter me into your AMAZING giveaway. Though I already own Bathsheba and Fire in Ember (Oh! Thats another top favorite, too!)!

~ Katy

Diana Flowers said...

+1-I also left a comment on The Mountains Bow
Down review
+1-I also left comment on review of K.Witemeyer

If I win I would like Secrets of the Heart by Jillian Kent. Thanks!!


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